In a refreshing break from all those daily Russian dash-cam videos , this recorded incident comes to us from the city of Lemgo in Germany, where a (Bangle-butt ) BMW 5-Series driver was in a hurry to get through an intersection that was blocked by an Opel Zafira MPV and Corsa hatchback.
Now, truth to be said, the Zafira driver may have been partially at fault here if he saw that he couldn't make it through due to traffic, while in the first video towards the end (at the 44 second mark), it does look like he flipped the impatient BMW driver.
Still, that doesn't excuse the 5-Series motorist's actions to get out of his car and open the passenger door of the Zafira .
What happens next is something we'll leave you to find out by watching the second video below the break.
Story References: Jalopnik