Illegally closing down an intersection to create a temporary arena for cars to drift and perform donuts might be fun for those taking part, but it’s frustrating for people living nearby, and for police, who often lack the manpower to tackle crowds of almost 1,000 people.
But not this time. This time police in San Jose, CA, one of the cities worst hit by sideshow culture, came down hard, impounding 19 vehicles and issuing 720 citations. And yes, those citations didn’t just go out to the drivers, but to those watching too. In 2019 San Jose passed a motion that means even bystanders at sideshows can be issued with a fine of up to $1,000 and six months in jail.
Related: Drifting Ford Mustang Literally Takes The Pants Off From Sideshow Spectator
The crackdown took place on Saturday night at the intersection of Monterey Highway and Branham Lane when police cars boxed in dozens of vehicles. Local news reports say that multiple vehicles were abandoned at the scene, two of which were reported stolen. A ghost gun (homemade firearm) was also recovered from the scene and police investigated a possible carjacking. As for the 19 drivers whose cars were hauled away to the impound yard, they’re apparently looking at handing over as much as $4,000 to get them back.
Residents appeared to be pleased that police were taking action to stop the illegal stunt shows, which cause traffic chaos, noise pollution and pose a danger not just to those watching and taking part, but people living nearby.
“It’s just frustrating because not only is it the noise, but the safety because I have kids in the house and there have been times when [the sideshow participants] have shot guns in the air,” April Bringas told ABC7. “It doesn’t make you feel safe and comfortable in your own home.”
San Jose recently began installing plastic speed bumps at intersections in the city to discourage drifting and donuts.