Remember BMW’s launch film for the new 4-Series Coupe ? It looks like a couple was so impressed by it that they decided to buy a new 4-Series instead of going for a Mercedes-Benz, per their initial plan.
Debra Hayden wrote BMW on Facebook and told the Bavarian company that the video made her and her husband decide to buy a BMW 428i instead of a Mercedes-Benz. She also wrote that they had opted to pick up the car from BMW Welt in Munich on October 21 and that the marketing team that put the video together “deserves kudos” for bringing in new business for BMW.
Now what do you think BMW did with all this information? It decided to surprise the customers when they arrived in Germany to pick up their brand new car.
They arranged a very special delivery with a VIP treatment, and surprised them by bringing the man responsible for the launch film, among other things. If you happen to own a business, watch and learn how to make your customers happy from the following video.
By Dan Mihalascu